My immediate response - "Holy smokes we are doing an incredible disservice to students."
My secondary response - "Holy smokes we need to fix this."
My tertiary response - "Slow down smokey."
I operate my life on the theory that nobody will change their behavior unless they are forced to by a change in situation. It's the reason that spouses think they can change their partners and fail. The other person won't change unless they are threatened with losing something valuable. When I was in the classroom I taught as I remembered good teachers teaching, that is, the teachers that I liked best because I learned from them. I was patient, creative, funny (at least I thought so). I found interesting readings, made real world connections, performed simulations but I still missed the mark on many students. I was still the authority in the class not letting the network of learning relationships develop.
The reason was that I always fell back on my experiences in education as a student - the classes I liked and believed were taught well. I emulated those teachers and classes. I wasn't taking what was in front of me - the change in students' ability to network and understanding that we needed a paradigm shift.
To follow my earlier logic, I wasn't forced to change because I didn't see the same students as others in, shall we say, more fortunate locales. Some stats about the last group of students I worked with:
- 94% free/reduced price lunch (high poverty)
- 15% ELL
- 25% of my students had internet access at home
- 45% had access within walking distance
- behavior - I ratcheted down rules and structure to keep behavior problems at a minimum
What I want to take from his session:
- Understand that ubiquitous networks are almost here - everyone will be connected and multi-tasking. We need to harness that idea and work it into class structure not try to prevent it.
- Platform for Participation
- Use the Web 2.0 and 3.0 tools available - collaborative, constructive.
- Ensure students are using the media for communication and collaboration.
- Facilitate - set the stage, direct and let the students learn.
- Despite not wanting to (the tendency is to use an authoritarian system), you need to manage the network of relationships in the class [n(n-1)/2].
Epiphany analyzed. End rant.