Friday, November 9, 2007

New favorite web site

I have a new favorite web site. It's for geeks, by geeks. Think Geek is all the stuff that I am too ashamed to admit that I would love to have. The USB remote rocket launcher, for example, would fit the bill.

We, at TIES, are preparing for the December conference feverishly. One duty of the equipment team is to ensure that there is adequate wireless internet access throughout the conference rooms. To achieve this end, I found something at my new favorite web site that, I'm not ashamed to say, tickled a few tech dorks on that team.

Behold, the wi-fi detector shirt. It reads and measure the wi-fi signal strength in a given area and DISPLAYS IT ON YOUR CHEST! Brilliant.
Really, the cost of two conference registrations could pay for the whole team. I can't think of a better way to spend conference funds, can you?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Your blogs

Please comment with your blog addresses

Social Web Class

Ideas that I've heard for using this in class:
  • partner with a class around the country - ask questions, journal
  • WRITE - get students journaling, answer questions from the teacher
  • Extra Credit - students post news links related to class
  • The Very Important Social Studies Club - students who miss the meeting can post questions, read notes from others