Friday, April 25, 2008

Cheap, Easy and Classroom Applicable = Perfect for Education

How can I not love this? This dude developed uses for a Wii remote outside of intra-office boxing matches and nerd festivals. This, my friends, is true integration and application. The usefulness in the classroom has been proven through research (I know I should have a citable reference, but trust me) and one theme that always reappears in this blog - CHEAP.

I was a classroom teacher in an urban district for seven years. I know the pain of having good ideas for my teaching and students only to have them squished like a candy bar in the grocery store checkout. (I used to do that as a young'un, grab candy bars and squash them as my mother and I walked through the checkout. I think it was an anger response to the fact that I never could have one.) Where was I... squishing sound pedagogical innovation because of a lack of funds, time or resources.

What I'm excited for is to actually create what he has suggested. It may take a little finagling with the higher-ups but if I can prove classroom application for cheap - I'm golden. I'll keep you informed as to my progress ... by "you" I mean the three people that actually read the stuff I write. VIVA LA GEEK!

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